Lock down Time Meditation time.

Some repetitions in life can really change your aura and life style and some can make you very moody. It’s totally up to person to person how you spend your day.We all enclosed in a four wall we cannot do much but yes try to understand pattern of your brain. This is the time period when you can use time to think about your inner self. This thing is not only for adults i can be practiced by anyone of any age.

You need to follow these steps to use the power of your thoughts so when you go back to work you can think more positively.

Step 1:
Sit calmly anywhere try to do it in balcony if possible. if not then why where you have plenty of light.Make sure you are clean if not then have bath with salt water.

Step 2:
Close your eyes and breathe deeply and count your breathing for at least 31 times.if you can do more please comment below.

You need to smile because it generate positive message to your brain.
Don’t follow the thoughts just see them don’t run behind them.

Step :4
Then you open your eyes and relax for moment repeat as many time as you can and see visible change in your personality you will become more happy and positive being.

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